
Another costal community not far from La Conner is Anacortes. This map is a printed version which has different business labels than the interactive map.

I love to work with people who like to have fun with their maps and products. Below is an interactive map (screenshots) created for a company that sells safety, fire, and security products for industrial and office use. The first shot is the overview of an imaginary group of buildings; a school, a hospital an office/warehouse, and an apartment complex with open roofs to view the interiors.

The next shot is zoomed in a little. The map features "pins" pointing to the products being offered in their context. When clicked, the pins become pop-up windows with more descriptions and photos of the products. 

The final shot is where the fun begins because as the viewer zooms in more they get to see little scenes of people on the imaginary streets engaged in a variety of peculiar activities such as Elvis busking on the sidewalk and a driver trying to explain an infraction to a cop.

The next set of maps below was commissioned by a shopping center, printed front and back and distributed as tear-off pads to area hotels. The front features an overview of the area with the hotels and tourist attractions that is used by concierges to direct guests around the area while the back shows a detail of the shopping village with a directory of merchants. This was an excellent marketing strategy that leveraged the need for nearby hotels to provide area information to tourists and at the same time place their own group of businesses in a good position to be seen by many visitors. 

According to Kristin, one of the project leaders, "Our map for The Village on Venetian Bay has been a big success."

BUT WAIT! There's more. Click "older posts" below.

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