
In today's digital age why even create a handmade destination map?

"While digital maps are helpful in getting from "Point A" to "Point B," they lack topographic details and cultural landmarks, among other details. Paper maps show 'the big picture', whereas navigation systems only show direct routes and immediate surroundings. These shortages can lead to geographic illiteracy and dissipate our sense of direction."

Kayenta/Monument Valley, AZ

Kayenta (above) is the gateway to Monument Valley in Northeast AZ. They wanted a way to show the relationship of the town to the nearby tourist/recreationist destination. Of course, the valley is sprawling and if the distances were not compressed, the famous rock formations would go far into the background and be hard to see. When designing a map scene for a large geographic area it is important to cheat the reality a little in order to be visually representative. This is the beauty of a hand drawn map; the ability to use artistic license to create the proper "look" for the visitors to easily process.

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